Winter Solstice

A lot of you may not know this, but this is a really powerful time of year ... we are coming upon the Winter Solstice. This year it falls on Wednesday December 21st. This is the shortest day of the year.

So many of us blow right by it because we have so much festivity going on, but really this is the perfect time to do what I call ... incubate. Our culture has become so instant gratification oriented that we BELIEVE we have to be busy all of the time, working all of the time or buying all of the time ...

BUT if we section off some time to be quiet, go inside and listen to what comes up we have 120% more focus to be able to acheive and manifest our desires for the coming year. When we take the time to be silent and hear what our heart is telling us then we more easily stay away from what we "should" do, what we are "resigned" to do and feeling frustrated because we don't necessarily feel so connected to our choices... so our intentions don't necessarily come around so easily.

Now, the reason that this time of year is so perfect for this is because our bodies are naturally atuned to the movement of the light. With less light, comes less energy - naturally, but we don't need to feel like we aren't measuring up instead we use our energy differently and still get results... just different results. Most likely (if you take the time to incubate) you will get inklings of ideas for change that will direct you to take steps in the future (maybe 2 months or more down the line).

So take the time to sit, breathe and to ASK... ask and you shall receive ... ask your heart, your gut, your intuition, the universe ,,, and be willing to hear the answer and act on it.

Two ways that I have chosen to celebrate the Winter Solstice this year is to attend Paul Winter's Winter Solstice Concert at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. This is an amazing concert of world music that really allows me to go to a wonderful meditative place and there is an amazing musical metaphor of the darkest night of the year (including a chance to howl at the moon!) and tonight I will gather with a group of close women friends. We gather on all of the seasonal markings to share the cycle of the seasons and our lives. It is an amazing energy force that keeps me grounded, supported and moving forward in my life.

Wishing an incubation celebration for you.