Total Wellness Feast

The Total Wellness Feast held on Saturday January 28th at HealthyBodyNYC from the founder of Myrna's List was a huge success. It was an energy filled day -for sure! There were excellent presentations on Modern Feng Shui, Colon Care, Energetic Medicine, and, myself, talking about what it takes to make a successful change ... really so informative and great people participated. A big shout-out to all who came out for the day! Here are a few photos from the day ..

This is a picture of me with Myrna Weinreich, the founder of the event.

Here I am with Myrna and Margaret Kilibwa, PhD Nutrition. Clinical Assistant Professor. 15% of the proceeds of the Total Wellness Feast went to the Kenya Women and Children's Health Center-Tropicalclinics, that Margaret has founded.

Stay tuned for information about the next Feast ... coming in March ... it will be all about abundance!