Hotsy-Totsy Sauce

My family grew up with the MUPPETS and my dad and I still love everything from Sesame Street to The Muppet Show. A few weeks ago my fiance' and I stumbled across a clip of my favorite chef on the Web -- not only the song but the original VIDEO from the Muppets skit!

This one is about making "hotsy-totsy" sauce.

When I watch this I cannot help but laugh! You can't NOT have a happy day after watching it. : )

See what I'm talking about now here:

WARNING: You may start "bork-borking" spontaneously!

Energy~Nutrition Specialist Heather M. Dominick, "The Energy Expert," is author of the information packed 'EnergyRICH Lifestyle' weekly ezine. If you're ready to jump-start your energy, make effective changes, and have more fun in your life, get your FREE subscription and more EnergyRICH Tips at