Ali Brown's Online Success Blueprint Workshop in L.A.

I had such a great time attending Ali Brown's (The Ezine Queen!) Online Success Blueprint Workshop. It's so important for us Entrepreneurs to step out and mix and mingle with other self-employed folks who are ready to play BIG!

Here I am sharing my intentions for the workshop and for my business in general. If you've never had the experience of sharing your business intentions and having them witnessed by others - it's a must. It accelerates everything about your business growth. I recommend joining the EnergyRICH Business Boot Camp - sharing intentions is a HUGE and important part of this special group experience.

Here I am at break time gettin' my groove on and amping up my energy for the rest of a great day of learning. I really LOVE my hair here (I should groove everywhere I go!)

This is me with Maggie from She's been a part of the EnergyRICH Community for awhile now and recognized me one day at lunch! It was great to meet her in person :)

Me with The Queen!

Here I am with my best-friend, Alexandra. She lives in LA so not only did I get to attend an amazing workshop, but I got in some good gal pal time, too! We're getting ready to go out to a play on my last night in LA (Yup, my hair is still wet. Alexandra always looks amazing and put together and I tend to be on-the-fly!)