Honeymoon In St. Lucia

Honeymooning in St. Lucia was incredible.

Funny though ... Before we left our wedding weekend my good friends, Alexandra and Shira, made a point of reminding me to tell EVERYONE that we were on our honeymoon (for some recognition and maybe special treatment). Well, that kind of stuff tends to be hard for me to do, but I put my foot forward, took a risk and started telling people beginning with the check-in at the airline.

Turns out that 99.9% of everyone else traveling to St. Lucia is also on their honeymoon! So funny. We had a great time chatting it up with, literally, all of the other honeymooners staying at our resort! It was actually pretty cool talking to all these other people that had just gotten married, too - most of them on the same day!

Here's what was waiting for us when we arrived in our special cottage on the hill.

The fishing village of Soufriere.

Our first dinner. We told the waitress it was our honeymoon ... we hadn't caught on yet.

Our friend, the Gecko. They really take care of you by eating all the insects that bite.

You never know who you're going to meet on the side of the road. Yes, that IS a Boa Constrictor.

Worn out by all the sun, waves, snakes and fresh-air : ) Time for an energizer ... nap!

I've had a lot of people ask me, "How did you meet this wonderful man - your partner for life?". Well, I'll tell you it wasn't about what I did on the outside, that's for sure. It was about the inside. If you would like the whole scoop about how I managed my energy to attract my ideal mate you can get (and for 55% off until July 31st, NOON, EST!) at www.getenergyrich.com. We're now doing the same thing to manifest our ideal Greenwich Village apartment ... stay tuned!